
Doggie daycare works a lot like traditional daycare for kids. Dog daycare and boarding are there to keep your four-legged family member happy and entertained while you’re not around. So often, pups left home alone all day get bored, anxious, hyperactive, and even depressed. Dogs with separation anxiety may ruin the house, harm themselves, or bug the neighbors with constant barking and howling.

Wag & Bone’s dog daycare services are designed to improve your pet’s quality of life in a safe, fun, and nurturing environment. We offer essential dog and human interactions that provide mental stimulation and socialization. Our fur-ever friends enjoy spacious play areas to burn off pent-up energy while our specially trained staff members render the best possible pup care.

At Wag & Bone, your pooch’s day will be filled with activities based on your pup’s specific needs and temperament. We always make sure to separate dogs by size and temperament and spend ample time playing and snuggling. We strive to understand each individual dogs personality and needs so we can give them the best care possible.

All dogs must be up to date on Rabies, Distemper/Parvo, and Bordetella vaccines. All dogs that are 6 months or older must be spayed or neutered. Puppies must be at least 4 months old or have completed all puppy shots to enter.

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